Sunday, August 24, 2008


Boys and guns. What is the fascination? I expected the boys visit to navy frigate Te Kaha today to be a good chance for them to look inside a real live warship and see how navy personnel live. Perhaps they would look at communication equipment and see the cramped sleeping quarters? Instead they came home with photos ... Elliot holding a real light machine gun. Hmmm...


Anonymous said...

it's a boy thing lol

Penny said...

LOL! Funnily enough Tim isn't interested in them at this stage. Give him a train tho' and he's in like Flynn

Lisa66 said...

My boys aren't allowed to have guns.

So they make them. Out of Lego, out of sticks, out of the educational building materials their aunt bought them for Christmas.

And out of the vegetables they're not eating on their dinner plates. (Two sins at once!)


It's a boy thing.

Lara said...

LOL. I'm a girl. I don't get it.